The light speed is about 300.000.000 m/s and it means that the light can make the transatlantic journey between London and New York more than 50 times in a second. With speed like that the questions is: why there is any interest in find a faster than light comunication? Well, maybe in the Earth we could have enouth with 300.000.000 m/s but in the deep-space the messages travelling at the speed of light are too slow yet.
All that means that it is impossible send messages faster than the light speed without braking the laws of physics. But presently there are some workaround wich hold the promise of Superluminal communication.
So far, it is not long ago really interests us to develop superluminal messages because it was not necessary for us. We do not have problems if we want to send messages to the Mood (it takes them 1,3 seconds) or if we call someone on the other side of the world. But if we travell further, for example to Mars, we start to have some problems. In Mars messages take 12,5 minutes to arrive at light speed. And the farther you go more problems with communication. For example, to comunicate with Alpha Centauri, our closest star-system, it wouls take more tha four years for each message to be delivered.
Accordins to Einstein's theory of relativity nothing can go superluminal because the speed of light is a universal constant. If we could discover a way to around this limitation we would be violating the laws and we should make a rethinking of basic physics.
Today, almost all comunications in space are conduncted using radio waves which travel at the speed of light. We are also developing the optical laser communication. We may not be able to increase the speed of transmission but we can increase the volume of information to transmitte in a second by increasing the bandwidth of the spectrum.
Perhaps in a future we might find a way to make the speed of the messages seem quicker without interfere in the relative theory. Now we know that this theory allows for things like wormholes that can be explain as warps in spacetime. Other routes have been considered, for example the quantum entanglement, a property which means two particles can share properties regardless of the distance between them. So it means if you change one of them you also change the other and get instantaneous communication.
If superluminals communication were possible it would have implications for space missions. Sometimes we must wait several minutes to realize that have been a problem in one of our satellites and the comunication is not simple. So nowadays superluminal communication is not possible and it exceeds the limits of scientific possibilitys.
I have found this new very interesting. Since few years ago we are trying to develop a way to send messages and receive messages as fast as can possible. At moment we always we have encountered with the time barrier and the Einstein's theory od relativity. Without it all our physics laws will not have any sense. And the question there can be: and why try to find somthing that destroy all what we know?
Well the true is that it is the way that the science works. Based on create new theories that including all the thing that we know and when we find somthing new that is not agree whith what we know we must refute the theory and find a new one.
Sometimes our intentions are who try to destroy a theroy to find a new one which can help us to get what we want. In this case our necessity to find out new ways of live or new places to live are what push us to discover a communication faster that the light speed.
Anyway we also have found things in the space, like the wormholes, that the Einstein's theoty doesn't works in it. But the problem is that we aren't able to know how wormholes works or what they are.
The idea of a ney way of comunication, find other worlds to live, new ways of life or simply the idea of the time is not new for us. The films are who have been showing us and who have been inventing and proposing futurist theories. Films are who have been showing us the problems and the paradoxes with which scientists face today (always with a little of fictions because they are just movies). For example, the last I have seen: Interstellar. In there you can find the idea of new dimensions beyond the our idea of the sapce and time (I have to say that it is an amazing film!).
The thing is that our idea of the world and our way to undesrtand it is only our. I mean that the way we know the world and how the thing work are only human ideas that have been invented by humans. All of them can work for us and for what we know until now but, why they must be tha same in the rest of the space? Why they must be true? The porblem is set out like many others. We will be able to find the solution?