I just have read a personal opinion essay and I think
it’s quiet good. The essay is about how we should do the things and how we
should take decisions. The writer is giving her opinion and as is so what we
should do in our blogs I decided to talk about this essay.
The reflection about the topic can help many of us
because we are in a stage of our lives we should take important decisions about
our future live.
“Do it with
passion or don’t do it at all”. This is a nice quote, isn’t it?
The writer thinks who live without passion is wasting his life. Who live doing
the same things every day and meeting the same people is living a live that can
be more exiting and not as simple.
Now today people don’t follow what they want, they
don’t follow their passions. Maybe it’s because they are so afraid to lose or end
badly wounded. Maybe it’s because they have not enough trust in their self,
maybe it’s because there are so afraid for what could happens.
I think that everybody can improve her live, however
it means change little things in our day a day. Sometimes we think that
choosing the good way we are choosing the correct one. But the correct way can
seems more messy or crazy, but it will make that our lives a little of passion.
Some people has already find her passion, some are
trying to find it, but a lot of people never find it because they conform with
what they have and they are not so braves to go for what they want. A lot of
people waist their life waiting for something that cannot happens if you don’t
goes for that.
I agree that always the most passionate acts are the
scariest and usually that’s can change your live forever. For this reason often
we don’t give step and we prefer to continue with our day a day without chances
nothing. But with a little effort we can get extraordinary things.
So always go for what you want letting nothing spot
you. Try to find what makes you happy and not conform to what they give you.
Take difficult decisions without fear because all in live can chance in any