“Do it with passion or don’t do it at all”

I just have read a personal opinion essay and I think it’s quiet good. The essay is about how we should do the things and how we should take decisions. The writer is giving her opinion and as is so what we should do in our blogs I decided to talk about this essay.

The reflection about the topic can help many of us because we are in a stage of our lives we should take important decisions about our future live.

“Do it with passion or don’t do it at all”. This is a nice quote, isn’t it? The writer thinks who live without passion is wasting his life. Who live doing the same things every day and meeting the same people is living a live that can be more exiting and not as simple.

Now today people don’t follow what they want, they don’t follow their passions. Maybe it’s because they are so afraid to lose or end badly wounded. Maybe it’s because they have not enough trust in their self, maybe it’s because there are so afraid for what could happens.

I think that everybody can improve her live, however it means change little things in our day a day. Sometimes we think that choosing the good way we are choosing the correct one. But the correct way can seems more messy or crazy, but it will make that our lives a little of passion.

Some people has already find her passion, some are trying to find it, but a lot of people never find it because they conform with what they have and they are not so braves to go for what they want. A lot of people waist their life waiting for something that cannot happens if you don’t goes for that.

I agree that always the most passionate acts are the scariest and usually that’s can change your live forever. For this reason often we don’t give step and we prefer to continue with our day a day without chances nothing. But with a little effort we can get extraordinary things.

So always go for what you want letting nothing spot you. Try to find what makes you happy and not conform to what they give you. Take difficult decisions without fear because all in live can chance in any time. 

The Fifth Day

I already finished one book and I like to talk about it.

It calls “The fifth day”, I started to read it at September and I have finished recently. It’s a big book, with almost 1000 pages (I think it’s the biggest book I have never red) and also lately I have not enough time to read because of the studies.

I like to read and I have enjoyed this book. It is a sciences fiction book but all what is say in it is scientifically correct. It’s can be say that is a scientific book and I think it's very good documented, too.

It talks about a set of characters that are investigating some strange success that take place in the world, especially in the oceans. All start with a poor fisherman who disappeared without any track. From here every time strange things happen in the oceans, seems that the nature turns against humanity.

There are invasions of poisonous algae, animals become aggressive and start to attack humans and their boats. Suddenly all the whales seem that are mad and hit and skin the sailor boats. A lot of poisoner jellyfish and contaminated crabs invade all the coast and kill the people. And is discovered a strange worm in the deep sea that destroys the seafloor and causes leakage of methane. For his fault there are some tsunamis that destroy Europe.

The world drive crazy, nobody knows what is happening in the ocean and what is happening with animals. The sea is unnavigable but has to be something that is causing all this bad.

Finally the government of USA tries to take the control of the situation. They create a group with the best investigators and scientific that there are in the world and try to investigate what is happening. Little by little they discover a lot of things. The real threat came from the deeps. There exist unicellular creatures that they never had been seen. They are smart creatures and are trying to eliminate the humanity from the world because are damage the Earth.

This new creatures are very intelligent. Are like a real society and exist from the principles of the earth. But they are not like the humans and don’t have awareness. Eliminate the humanity is only a survival instinct.

Finally the scientific can save the word deceiving the unicellular. But it cost them the live of some and it isn’t a solution forever. Henceforth humans should care the earth and learn to coexist with the rest of the species.

I think it’s an entertaining story and full of suspense and unknowns. When you find out that exist another smart specie is fantastic because it’s an extraordinary fact. At the other hand they are trying to get out of humanity and seem a little evil but really they are keeping the specie.

All characters are very intelligent and have interesting theories. There are scientific from different specialties and I like when they are investigating in the laboratories and after they put all in common and draw conclusions.

Besides an interesting and original story it’s for think about what are we doing with the earth. The humans think that the world is own and we only look for ourselves. We don’t understand the coexistence with other species or with the oceans. We damage all and it means that we are damaging ourselves, too. Because we are habitats of the earth and we destroys it.

The author is Frank Schätzing. He’s music, music producer, have an advertising agency and he writes, too. He is an expert diver and because it they had wrote this book. In my opinion, the story is enough good so that there is a film. It could have good scenes!

So I recommend this book and invite to enjoy it like I have enjoyed. Probably is more interesting for someone who likes biologics because is discussed and there are some things that can seem a little boring if you don’t like. In any case I think that everybody can read it, although it’s quiet large. 



Scientists have got the most accurate space view of the global ocean currents and which they move. Thanks one platform from the Europeans Space Agency's Goce that has been working from 2009 to 2013 measuring in a ultra-precise form the Earth gravity. It has discovered the paper the gravity has in the ocean circulation.

The scientists have used all this information to create the "Geoid", wich is describing the level surface of the world if there aren't any winds, currents or tides.

With a comparison of the Geoid and the measures os sea-surface height made by others sapcecraft, they can see how the water piled-up because of their tendency to run downhill. Then the speed and the direction of the currents will be heavier. (Although winds, the rotation of the Earth an tides have an important contribution).

The Geoid has been concluded and inspected by other measure machines like the drifting buoys. This has helped to capture some small details in water movements that improve our knowledge.

Of course the new discoveries have a lot of applications, especially in the climate models. Now we can get information about the melting or the big deep-Earth movements.

All scientists that had been working in the project thinks that Geoid is a real breakthrough for the estimation of the ocean currents and the mission is one of the most precise that there is.
Geoid was the lowest flying scientific satellite in the sky. It worked with fuel because it had to avoid the gravity force. The satellite fell down to the sea when the fuel was over.

The oceans are a very important element in our planet. Thanks to the water there is life in the Earth and oceans have much of it and give food to another part. One important element in the seas is the currents.

First of all they are in continue movement and can renew the water in all the parts and make possible the life in the oceans. The current make that the nutrients can be transported to all sides. Finally they can spread out water in different temperatures and chance the weather.

At the other hand the humans have been taking advantage of them since we started sailing. We have been helped by the currents to move arrow the oceans and discovered new places.

So currents are too important in our planet. They are an intelligent mechanism of transport of aliments, movement of the waters and they have an important paper in the world weather. It is by this that we must conserve the oceans and not pollute the waters because they are not only important for some animals, the oceans are important for all the habitants of the Earth. 


The Christmas holidays are close and a lot of people are planning to travel to see the family, get away from the job or they get advantage to know new places. Any way you can know where they are in any moment and what are they doing.

If you travel by plane, airports are some of the places with more monitoring devices in their public spaces. And before, you have been registered in a digital computer to get your ticket.

If you are thinking on takin the train and you don’t want to be followed you should to don’t pay with credit cards because are easy to follow. In any case the train stations are full of cameras as airports.

Ok, you can drive your own car. It’s a good option to be more discreet but there is a web of surveillance, too.  And it’s known how many cars are in the roads, their register… And if you stop in a service area the cameras would know it, too.

Is seems that there isn’t a way to scape of the looking of the security and control. Maybe you if you go walking…? No. Why?  Because we all still having a mobile phone in our pockets receiving and sending signals with cell towers. Even the oldest mobile phone does this activity. Further, we probably have activated the location servers for our mobiles or Google Maps who can keep you from getting lost. Then our situation is receiving somewhere all the time.

Yes, I know. Our movements are under control all the time. But wait because there is still more. Lately have been developed the famous drones. They are not-crew little fly who can recorder all from the air.
These are just the techniques that we know about. No doubt there are others in operation and still others in development.

So if you are going to travel somewhere don’t forget to smile to the cameras all time.

Not more time ago I was see this hastag in twitter: #HappyTracksgiving. I didn’t know what it was about.  But now I already find a new in one newspaper so it’s why I decided to comment a little.

This new talks about the vigilance that we are subject without knowing anything. It’s incredible. In any time someone can use all this information about us. All we have done, where we were, with who and why can know.

It’s true that sometimes all this new technologies can help us for a lot of things. For example if we are lost in somewhere we can look up our mobiles phones. Or if there is a crime, thanks to the cameras, police could know what have happened.

Is supposed that all that is for our security but maybe sometimes it goes too far and we could choose between our “super-safety” or our privacy. 

Why we need an international Day for the Elimination of of Violence Against Women?

Only in 2013, 54 women were murdered by her husbands in our country.  This year the number is increasing. Every week there is a woman that is murder only in Spain. If we look the rest of the countries, the number is huge. Every day there are a lot of new cases of violent against women.

It’s a bad that doesn’t knows about countries, cultural or socioeconomically factors. It is a bad that unfortunately is spread out arrow the world. Worldwide, one in three women will suffer one of different kinds of violence that there is at some point in her life: physic, sexual, domestic, harassment at work or in the internet.

It is a heavy datum and insufferable. I don’t think that it can happen in a civilized world, because the problem is not only in “third world countries” who some people think. The problem is near all of us. Don’t matter if you live in the best neighborhood or in the worst, if you belong at a good family or at a bad one, if you study in the best school or any of the possible combinations. The violence is the entire world.

It is a problem that has been existing since the start of the humanity. In every each and period of the story the woman has been underestimated and treat different only because the fact to be a women.
The problem comes from far away. But maybe it’s been time to chance it. Maybe it’s time to start to chance all this shi**. Because that has been occurred always doesn’t meant that should keep happening. If we considered too developed socially why happen this horrible things every day? Why nobody have did something yet?

There are a lot of feminism seasons and movements but gives the feeling that they are not taking seriously, or not as they should be taking. Sometimes seems that be a feminist women is be a “social figure” that sometimes have to receives taunts from other sections of the society.

I think that we only could chance the situation when we shatter gender stereotypes and attitudes. When all the society takes conscience that we are all equal. And maybe it couldn’t be possible if we firs don’t challenge the culture of discrimination.

It’s time to fight against the violence and fight for all of us. Not only for the women but for humanity. Because the problem of this kind of violence is that we only know the number of women who ending murdered but behind her there are millions more that suffer it every day.

Stop the silence, start the fight! 

"I refuse to be my daughter's diary"

I have read a story about a mum who refused to get the homework that her daughter forgot.

Noelia had a group of WhatsApp with the rest of the parents from her daughters class. At first, it looks graet because they could be in contact and colud swap information about school. Then all the parents start to ask for their soon homework, to comments their personal marks and to send images from things that don't have interest and also take up memory. 

More than once Noelia have had to ask for some homework for her daughter. Finally she realizes that all the parents had become a full-time personal assistant for their children. When children had a problem only had to ask to her mother for an answer in the WhatsApp group. 

When Noelia daughters one day forget her math homework, Noelia refuse to ask to the group. That time she must learn the lesson and learn from her mistakes. 
Then Noelia decided to write the story in her blog and few days later she already had a lot of views. At the end of the week a million of people had read it!

For Noelia the article is to think about how the parents try to help their children. Because sometimes they think that are making something good for them but they are solving the problems avoiding that the children can learn and accept the consequences.

Ok, at first, when you read that "a mother doesn't want to help her daughter", seems strange and maybe you may think: what's a terrible mother! But probably she has a part of reason. 

Lately, some parents tray to help their children doing her homework. Maybe parents think that they are contributing to the education of her soon but not in the correct way. Making all what the childreb ask is not the best way because at the end children don't know do nothing. 
They would be too used to the help that makes them all.

In some cases it would seem a little silly. But it's true that there are a lot of parents that makes all what her children ask for. And at the end, the children who seems taht they did all very well doesn't know do nothing because all was made by her parents or someone. They wouldn't fed for themselves or accept the mistakes for learn from them, that it's the most important. 

Our parents always would be near us to help and give support. But is completely different hels and give support than make the thing that we hould do. Because, finally I think that the best education that we can recive from our parents is that wich we can be prepared for our independent lives. Those which we can learn to accept challenge by ourselves and be able to resolve our problems. 


The Woods Hole Oceanographic Instutute (WHOI) in Massachicetts is realizing new marine archaeological investigations in the area where is think about 2000 years ago a boat full of artworks shipwrecked.

The investigators do their job in the oceans depths with an usual uniform: they were an Exosuit. It is the new innovation that allows divers stay a long time undre the water. With the Exosuit they can realize their job with more agility than in a submarine.

The archaeologist says that they wear a submarine, not a simple suit.
The team that is realizing the new investigations is famous because they found the famous "Antikythera Mechanism", wich is now in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.

It's very famosu because it's considerate the first calculator of the world used by the ancient greeks. The scientifics comments that the Antikythera Mechanism is the ancient computer.

The seas are full of treasures. The archeologists hope to meet them and now seems that with this new suit it's easy.

Really I like very much the archeology. When I was little I used to say that I would be an archeologist when I was older. But now I prefe other things (but still don't know what study). 
Anyway I get interest in the new findings and I like imagine stories about them. About how they can be lost or how live the people their loss. It's funny because all are a mystery and probably we never know what happened really. 

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Coincidins with Halloween I have remembered one of my favorites films and one that I think I have seen more. Of course, it is a film from my infancy. It is The Nightmare Before Christamas!
When I was little I used to saw films with my brother and my sister and The Nightmare Before Christamas was one of our favorites.

The Nightmare Before Christamas takes place in Halloween Town where the moustrous citizens are celebrating the Haloween day. Jack Skellignton, the principal character, is respected for the entire town but he is tired to celebrate Halloween every year. He goes to stroll and after a while he can't recognize the place where he arrives. Jack is in a kind of forest where every tree has a different dor. Each dor isfrom one festivity and the Christmas door is where Jack pays more attention. When he enters he discovers a town full of snow, lights and hapiness. Something completely different to Halloween town. The sprit of Christmas is liked so much by Jack and he decides to show it in Halloween town.
Jack is fascinated with Christmas and he wants to take the control of the celebration.
Then is when Jack starts to preparethe presents for the children, the sled and the Santa Claus dress. But there is a porblem and it's that the real Christmas can't be understood by his friends from Halloween and they mix the both festivities creating horrible and hideous presents. (jack and his friends made all with a good intention, they only want to celebrate something different. But they are not made for Christmas).
Christmas in the real world is a real disaster and the real Santa Claus is the only who can save it! The problem is that Oogie Boogie, the evil from Halloween Town, has captured Santa Claus and Jack must go to save heir.
Finally Jack Skellington can defeat Oogie Boogie and Christmas can be returned to the world.

The idea to make the film was thought by Tim Burton. It occurred to him when he saw how Halloween decorates were changed for the Christmas ones in the windows displays. That and his inspiration in Christmas classics like The Grinch (you already know him, the ugly green creature who hates Christmas) to crate The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

The truth is I like very much Tim Burton movies. All are full of imagination and take place in imaginatives worlds with bafflings characters. All are incredible: Tim Burton is incredible!

Coming back to our film I have to confess that when I was little there were some parts of the film and some characters that scared me. I had real terror to Oogie Boogie, who was a creepy-crawly sag and I feared to meet him under my bed. Or to Doctor Frinklenstein who could open his hear to scratch his brain (and still now they aren't my favorite characters).
There were parts that caused real terror to me! When Oogie Boogie broke in insects or when all the horrible monsters appear and besides they sang you where you could find them. Certainly I don't know why I didn't watch Cindirella or the Sleeping Beauty. Well, I konow, I love Tim Burton films!

Jack Skellington and the rest of the characters make you love the film because they are incredible, they are very accomplished. The technique to make the fil is incredible, too. All models were made in dummy. Tim Burton and his team used stop motion to make the film. It is a method taht consist in feigns the movement of the characters by taking a lot of images in differents positions. Finish all the film takes them three years. For example Jack Skellingtong had hundreds of heads with different expressions.

But The Nightmare Before Christmas is not only a great story with amazing characters. The Nightmare Before Christmas has an incredible soudtrack! My favorite is "This is Halloween", the first song with which the filkm begins. In that one the Haloween Town is celebrating the day and all the monsters sing. I loves the song and I used to sing it when the film started (although my brother and my sister didn't enjoy it very much).

Without a doubt The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the best films I never have seen and I think it will be all my life. It is one of those kinds of film that you can watch in any age and you enjoy like a child. And aslo it is a film that don't matter how times you had watched because you always will watch it again (or that happens to me).

This is the begining of the film and my favorite song!