I'm coming with a real story. Suffragette is a film that related the sad reality that takes place no as long ago as we like to think. If we think about the fact that the two supposed "big democracies" of the occidental world (England and France) didn't let their women vote until 1928 and 1948 make us think no only about the past but about the present. The fact that women couldn't vote means that almost the half of the humanity can't participate in the decisions. But it wasn't only the vote, women have always been considered in a different way than men. Women have always had fewer rights and has always been treated like a s***. Why? Because not even imagining the worst of the reason I can find any to justify this abuse, because yes, we can call it so.
Suffragette is set at the beginnings of the XX century few years before the first world war. Women demand their politic rights and their vote right. This is the story of the first feminist movement. But nobody wants to listen what women has to say, nobody take care about the half of the population and nobody believes in what women are demanding. And after several years of peaceful fights that have any result, the suffragettes decided to radicalize themselves and start using the violence, like break the shop windows or detonate the postbox, to force the change and get their rights like any other man. This is the only way suffragette can be heard.
The film relates how Maud Watts, a young girls that has been exploited in a laundry since she was little (like his mother and many other women), undergo a process of ideological and politic change from a women who accepted the role that she had to live in the society to an activist in the feminine movement who risk everything: her husband, her house, her job and her son to be heard.
She is one of the women who fought for her dignity, that of her companions and that of all of the women in the world.
Actually, this film is an excuse to talk about the inequality that there are between men and women. When I saw the film I end with a terrible fury. Suffragette show the shame we have to feel when we think that all was real, that it has happened and is still happening. But the vote wasn't the only problem. Still now there is a big difference between man and women and that only means that we still have a big problem in our society. We only could say we have improved the situation when we can't find any difference between man and women, until then, we can't take nothing for granted.

In many countries, women are still officially considered less than man. But in our own country, there is still inequality. At the beginning of the century began a war to say "no, it has already been enough. We have tolerated too many years and we don't continue in this way", but this war hasn't finished yet and this is the true sadness. We can't be content with improvements, we have to get the full equality.
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